Hi ForeverBookers, I've just finished another great book! Butterfly On The Storm tells the story of several characters who take part in trying to solve a crime mystery. There are literally so many characters within this story; some good, some evil, that I can't write information on all of them but most of them held their own story throughout, I thought. Sometimes we get characters who aren't really necessary to the overall plot but all of the characters personalities played into this story well. Butterfly In The Storm really suits anyone 18+ that wants a thrill while reading, I think. I say it's for 18+ because there are some quite horrific things that happen. I think that reading something that's scary is different to watching something that's scary. If you're watching it, you can't avoid it but if you're reading it, you can make it as scary as you want to. There's threatening behaviour as well as murders in Butterfly In The Sto...
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