Hi ForeverBookers, Yesterday, I finished reading “The Raven Boys” by Maggie Stiefvater and if I’m to be honest, I expected a LOT more. This review will therefore be quite short because I didn’t feel that there were many significant points. I seemed to enjoy the authors Shiver series a LOT more, which was a shame as I’d heard SUCH good things about “ The Raven Boys” . 2.5 Stars (rounded up to 3 on Goodreads)! I read “The Raven Boys” for a few of readathons: “A book involving a heist” for the Popsugar Reading Challenge. (I’ve unfortunately lost all of the books that I’ve read for Popsugar so I don’t know if I’ve already completed this goal or not :/). I don’t think I marked this one off the list previously though. Although it’s not a heist of goods, the characters are trying to steal the magic that Glendower found years before. That counts as a heist to me! “A book on my TBR” for the Litwits, Detective Challenge on Facebook. The book has been on m...
A book review blog.