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Showing posts from May, 2019

Cardcaptor-a-thon announcement!

Hey ForeverBookers! How are you all today? I hope you’re well! This is a slightly different post. It’s for a readathon that I’ve set up called the Cardcaptor-a-thon! It explains it all on the page but it’s basically a readathon where for every book you read for it, you acquire one of the 52 Clow Cards. There are prompts to follow because what’s a good readathon without prompts??? Please just message me to ask if you don’t understand something on the page! This is my first time hosting a readathon. There’s not a set amount of time to it, either. If you want to read books that fit with a prompt but then want to read something that doesn’t, that’s cool. The Cardcaptor-a-thin page will always be up! I’ve made TBR/tick sheets for it as well! Please fill them out and keep everyone up to date with what you’re reading! Now let’s have some fun capturing those cards!

Throne Of Glass by Sarah J Maas Review

Hey ForeverBookers,  I’m sorry that I haven’t been here for ages but I’ve been planning something exciting...more information coming soon!  Anyway, I have still been reading, slowly. Throne Of Glass was really good. It was atmospheric while still being fun and it had some twists that I didn’t see coming, as well. I’d heard from others that I wouldn’t like Throne Of Glass based on my preferences. I LOVED Sarah J Maas’s other series, ACOTAR so I’m glad that I also really DID enjoy TOG, too!  4.5 Stars (5 Stars on Goodreads)!  The Readathons that I’ve read Throne Of Glass for are:  * Popsugar Reading Challenge 2019  - A book featuring and extinct or imaginary creature. There are imaginary creatures because it’s a fantasy book. I won’t spoil who or what they are, though! * Litwits - been meaning to read!  I’ve had Throne Of Glass on my TBR for absolutely YEARS! I can remember buying it when it was released so...yeah. Fo...

Unbound (Rebound Book 2) by Rosemary Rey Review

Hi ForeverBookers,  I’ve just finished my reread of “Unbound” by Rosemary Rey, book 2 in the Rebound trilogy and I liked it! 3 Stars! The readathons I read “Unbound” for were:  * The OWLS Magical Readathon - This readathon finished at the end of April but I think that Professor Flitwick would be fine with me taking an extra day to finish my charms exam, as I had bad headaches last month. I was reading “Unbound” for Charms because it’s an adult romance, which for me counts as an adult work. That means, I’ve passed my Writer/Journalism OWLS and I’ve got my Charms OWL too. How have your OWLS gone, if you took part? Let me know below.  * The Spring-a-thon - I read “Unbound” for the challenge of a book with friendship/family because Perla friends are really there for her in the book to help her through her struggles. Popsugar Reading Challenge 2019 - A book you think should be turned into a movie - I love romance in everything I consume so I'd lov...