Hey Foreverbookers, How are you all doing today? Hope you’re well! I’ve just finished reading “Crown Of Midnight” by Sarah J Maas and I absolutely LOVED it!!! I thought it would be boring as it’s book two in a series but it was anything but. I don’t think I was bored once, while I was reading it! The book is split into two different parts. This was necessary to see Celaena’s growth as a character. I’m not going to go into great depth below with the spoilers because “Crown Of Midnight” is a fantasy and it’s always better to be surprised I think, rather than just told straight what happens as anything can be created or made to happen in a fantasy world, so I’ll summarise the significant points. For Crown Of Midnight I literally had 175 pages of notes typed up on my computer for this review so I’ve really condensed what I wanted to say. 5 Stars!!!!! The Readathons that I read Crown Of Midnight for were: NEWTS examinations - I read “Crown Of Midnight” to...
A book review blog.