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Showing posts from January, 2020

Blackbird Vol 11 by Kanoko Sakurakoji Review...MANGA review!

Hi ForeverBookers, Firstly, I’ve said it before but I  ADORE  the artwork in this manga series! It’s just so my aesthetic. I wish we had some colour pages inside the manga but if I was to create a manga series I’d certainly try to somewhat replicate the style of the artwork in Blackbird. The covers give you a feel for what the art style is like.  I didn’t read this volume for any readathons!  Spoilers Below (as this is the first manga review on this blog there really are spoilers)... I enjoyed this volume of Blackbird. In it we see Misao become her own person, I feel.  “I want to be able to walk with Kyo on my own two feet,”  shows this. She doesn’t want to be insignificant to Kyo. She wants to be strong, as he has been! At the same time we have Sho plotting to break Misao and Kyo up.  ”All I have to say is...”Shall I break the seal I put on your memories, Misao?”  If all goes well cracks will form in their relationship .”  Sho i...

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (#1 Harry Potter) by JK Rowling Review

Hey ForeverBookers,  How are you all today? Yesterday I finished “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” and I’m really happy to say that I absolutely LOVED it! When I was a child I read books 2, 3 and part of 4 of the “ Harry Potter” series and I liked them up until three quarters of the way through “ Goblet of Fire” and then I got bored. I can actually remember sitting in my year 6 classroom thinking “Why am I reading this?” Although I can’t remember the part I stopped at. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that I believe I’ll love the series now, as an adult MUCH more than I did as a child.  I’m going to try to read a Potter book every month in Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Sept, Oct and Nov. The Order of the Phoenix might take me two months as it’s the longest book so that’s why there are eight months written. If I have to go into Dec, that’s okay too. This way 2020 will be the “Year Of Potter” for me! 5 Stars!!!!!!! I read “Harry Potter and the Philosoph...