Hey ForeverBookers, I’m sorry I haven’t been here too much this month. I read two manga, which I haven’t reviewed here, as well as "Frostheart" and "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets," which was EXCELLENT!!! I’ve already read this second book in the Harry Potter series, over 10 years ago, but I think I appreciate it sooooo much more than I did last time, when I wasn’t really a reader. 5 Stars!!!!! I took a break from reading Harry Potter to take part in Polarthon so that’s why it took me sooooo long to finish! The basic premise of “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” is that the chamber was opened and everyone is trying to work out who opened it... I read "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" for a few readathons again. This time they were: * Reading Rivalry - Book I did not get to on my TBR - I’ve been wanting to reread this from childhood for so long and now I have! * Cardcaptor-a-thon - The Time - ...
A book review blog.