Hey ForeverBookers, How are you all doing? I hope that even at this hard time you’re doing okay! I’ve just finished “ Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” and I LOVED it again!!! When I was younger this was my favourite Harry Potter book, bearing in mind that I only read the second and third books in their entirety, don’t think me a bad person, I’m getting to the rest now. I read about three quarters of book four when I was 11 years old, so over 10 years ago. I can remember just about where I gave up too, so I’m excited to see what I feel about it now...anyway, back to book 3. 5 Stars!!! Harry goes into his third year at Hogwarts in this book. He has to take more classes, including Divination. A weird teacher, Professor Trelawney teaches this class. The new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher is Professor Lupin. He comes with his own story. Harry also has the opportunity to go to Hogsmeade, which is a Wizarding Village where magic is the norm. Will he ...
A book review blog.