Hi ForeverBookers, How are you all today? I hope you’re well! Yesterday, I finished reading “Shadow Of Night,” the second book in my favourite series EVER, “The All Souls series” by Deborah Harkness. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!!!!!! Every time I’ve read this book, and I’ve now read it thirteen times, no joke, there’s been something separating me from the story. However, this time that wasn’t holding me back. I enjoyed every second of it. I hope I enjoy the TV show as much, when I watch that after finishing my rewatch of season 1. * I read this for my readathon, the Cardcaptor-a-thon: The Create Card - A card in the form of a book where whatever you write/draw comes to life - Read a book with your favourite theme - for me my favourite theme in a book is where the main female character falls pregnant. I think it’s because I desperately want children one day...a main character falls pregnant in “Shadow Of Night!” * I was reading this for other readathons too but I read it over a few m...
A book review blog.