Hi ForeverBookers, How are you all? I hope you’re well. I’ve just finished reading Dune by Frank Herbert and it was good. I’m actually quite surprised that I enjoyed it as much as I did! We follow a young boy, Paul at the beginning of the book and we see him grow up throughout the story. What’s different about Dune to your regular book, or at least my regular book is that it’s sci-fi. I don’t read much of that genre, even though I might delve more into it now because I really enjoyed the experience of reading it. It was quite info dumpy but that was to be expected. 3.5 stars (4 stars on Goodreads)! Dune follows a large cast of characters. Some of those are good and some of those are evil. The chapters are split, I’d say, into those that follow the good characters and those that follow the bad characters. Most of the time we’re following Paul, our main character as he learns the ways of Arrakis, the new world his family and people have moved to. When I say people, I mean ...
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