Hi ForeverBookers, I hope you're all well! I’ve just finished “The Secret Sunshine Project” by Benjamin Dean and I really enjoyed it. I read his first book, “Me, My Dad and the End of the Rainbow” last year and I loved it. This one was a little slower to get into but once I was hooked, I was hooked. The main bulk of the story takes place over one summer. 4.5 Stars! (5 on Goodreads)! “The Secret Sunshine Project” tells the story of Bea, our main character who we experience the story through, and her struggles, at first when she and her sister, Riley are told that they need to move to their Gran’s house for the summer because their mum can’t afford for them to live in London, where they live at the beginning of the book, after they lose their dad to illness. Both Bea and Riley are upset by this move at first, as well as the death of their father. Riley more evidently so. Bea had all these summer plans with her best friend Lucas too. Can they learn to live differently? Or wi...
A book review blog.