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Showing posts from March, 2023

Echo North by Joanna Ruth Meyer Review

  Hey Foreverbookers, How are you all? I hope you’re well!  I’ve just finished Echo North by Joanna Ruth Meyer, which I enjoyed. It was slower than I thought it would be, which is why it took me so long to get through (nearly a month) but it was good. It read more like literary fiction than a YA novel to me, to be honest. I’m therefore giving Echo North 3 stars! Echo North is an East Of The Sun, West Of The Moon retelling, which I haven’t read. However, the themes of Echo North were far more adult than I thought they’d be. I thought Echo North was a middle grade novel, which it certainly isn’t. While there’s no sexual content or bad language, but there’s talk of death and horrible, evil characters, as well as depressing themes throughout. It isn’t a happy novel.  Echo is a young, naive girl at the beginning but come the end she’s grown into a young woman. The first part of novel takes place in a Russian like country, where Echo’s father, a bookseller falls in love ...