Hi ForeverBookers, How are you? I hope you’re well. I’ve just finished reading “A Winter’s Promise” by Christelle Dabos and I enjoyed it as a whole. It was too long, I thought. Whether this was a translation issue because it’s translated from French, I don’t know but there were definitely parts that could have been taken out and it wouldn’t have made the plot not work. Also, the characters weren’t all fleshed out, I didn’t think. 3 stars! A Winter’s Promise tells the story of Ophelia, a young girl that works in a museum, who gets taken to the Citaceleste, which is on another Ark, the Pole to the one she lives on, Anima. I thought of the arks as different countries on Earth, like Anima is England and the Pole is a cold Australia. She gets sent there by her family, who don’t really like her. Her mother in particular doesn’t think much of her. However her Great-Uncle does think lots of her. He offers support at the beginning of the novel. From the beginning of “A Winter’s P...
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