Hey ForeverBookers, I've just finished Blameless and it was a little bit of a disappointment.
3 stars!
Spoilers below for Blameless and the previous books as well. I have a non spoiler review of Soulless (book 1) on here as well 😀).
Blameless starts as Lady Maccon has to move out of Woolsey, her husband's castle for being pregnant. The fact that she is pregnant is revealed at the end of Changeless (book 2). Lord Maccon doesn't believe that the baby is his because werewolves can't mate. However, it gets revealed later in the book why this has happened.
Alexia goes to Italy with Madame Lefoux and Floote, her manservant and friend to escape the rumours that she's been unfaithful to her husband, which of course isn't the case. In Italy, they try to find the answers about Alexia's condition and why she is now the way she is. They come across a scientist who is annoying and a religious sect, which is creepy. The scientist tries to help but for his own gain rather than anything else, as he wants to be the one to "discover" a pregnant preternatural.
While Alexia is in Italy, we see scenes with Lord Maccon, set mainly in England. He is drunk for a good proportion of Blamesless however, so we follow his beta, Professor Lyall instead. Lyall is trying to help Alexia from England, while having a new werewolf to train, while trying to keep an eye on Lord Maccon.
Lord Maccon does get himself sorted by the end of Changeless and he does go after Alexia. But does she okay and if she is does she forgive him? You'll have to read to find out!
I enjoyed Blameless, although not as much as Soulless and Changeless. Blameless didn't have as many romantic moments between Alexia and Conall. I knew this before I started reading though so it wasn't to be unexpected. Some of the new characters weren't as memorable as those from previous books. They didn't have as big of an impact on me. I don't think they'll be important in future books. I still enjoyed the main cast of characters though. The only "new" character that I did appreciate was Floote, who although has been in other books didn't have a character arc. He was just a side character in the previous books.
The setting's were described well. I sometimes skipped some of the more flouncy, over the top descriptions but overall I enjoyed the them.
Overall, I expected more from Blameless but I am still excited to read Heartless, book 4. I hope there is more progression. I thought that Blameless was a bit of a lull in the story. All that was resolved was learning about Alexia and Conall's child. And we didn't even get very much of that.
Let me know your thoughts on Blameless below.
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