Hi ForeverBookers, I've just finished a great book. I normally only read romance/YA/paranormal books, so He Said She Said is a little out of my preferred genre as it's a crime thriller at heart.
I got He Said/She Said through NetGalley so thanks to NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read it. He Said/She Said releases in April 20th 2017, according to Goodreads.
Did I enjoy He Said/She Said? Yes.
Would I recommend He Said/She Said? To an adult, yes, if you want a chilling, read where you don't know who to trust. To a teenager, no because the story got depressing in places and I honestly don't think a teenager would enjoy it. To a child, no. It's not the sort of book a child should be reading. I'd give He Said/She Said an age rating of 16+.
Would I reread He Said/She Said? No. Just because with crime/thriller books I think I only need to read them once to get the full story. There's an answer at the end - did he/she do whatever they're being accused of. That's all I think I need to know.
3 Stars!
The basic story is Laura and Kit are in love before the story starts. They're both eclipse chasers. When at an eclipse party they see an incident take place. They are unsure of what to do. This incident is the main plot of the whole story. What continues from this main plot point is uncertainty for most of the characters as well as secrets that get revealed. The book is set around the sun's eclipse. The 5 parts of the book are named after parts of the eclipse.
He Said/She Said is based in England, mainly although we do see some other locations through the different perspectives we follow.
We see the story through both the eyes of Laura and Kit. Laura is pregnant with twins and Kit is on an eclipse chase for part of the novel. I didn't really see the point in these chapters from Kit's perspective. All they did was make me eager to keep reading to find out what Laura was going through, back in England. But maybe that was what they were meant to do.
Spoilers below...
This is a long book so I'm not going to be able to go over every point here, but the main one, I think is: The abuse of Beth (the main side character) and whether or not it was actually a sexual assault or not. This is the main plot point of the book, whether or not she was abused by Jamie, another side character or not. All other points are joined at least somewhat to this main one.
Laura, Kit, Beth, and Jamie all have to go through the court case. Laura lies in her testimony saying that Beth definitely didn't consent to the sex, when she doesn't know if she did or didn't. We see this part of the story through Laura's eyes.
I don't really want to write anymore of what happens in the story because as I said above, I think it's best to go into blind, so you can be surprised like the first person narrative you're reading from. But there are many twists/ turns and secrets revealed to keep your eyes on. I could certainly see why it's called He Said/She Said, once I was finished reading it because I just didn't know who to trust.
I'm giving He Said/She Said 3 stars because the story gripped me and it was spine tingling to read. However, the chapters from Kit's perspective got to me, and although you need to read them to understand his character, I just found them rather boring. I liked how the format of the book was set around the eclipse, and how each chapter had the next step in the eclipse. I'm also never going to reread it as I said above, so that took a star off my rating.
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