Hey ForeverBookers, How are you all? Sorry that I haven’t posted in over a month 😐 (apart from earlier today), I’ve been trying to read THUG, and failing, but I’ve now succeeded 😄. Also December is a busy month for me. Anyway, I’m back now. According to Goodreads, I’ve read 66 books in the past year, which was my reading goal! If you’ve been here for a while, you all know my favourite series will forever be the All Souls series by Deborah Harkness so I’m not including that on this list. My top 10 favourites from 2018: 1) The Stonewylde series by Kit Berry (books 1-4) - This was a reread from when I was a young teenager. I LOVED rereading these books!!! I’m super excited to get to the last book, Shaman Of Stonewylde (book 5) in January. I’m not sure I ever finished it as a teenager... http://foreverbooks18.blogspot.com/2018/05/magus-of-stonewylde-stonewylde-book-1.html?m=1 - Magus Of Stonewylde review (Book 1) 2) ACOWAR and ACOFAS b...
A book review blog.