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Ice Planet Barbarians (#1 Ice Planet Barbarians) by Ruby Dixon Review

Hey ForeverBookers,

How are you all? I hope you’re well.

I’ve just finished Ice Planet Barbarians, which is perhaps my favourite book of the year so far! I adored the romance in it and the sexy times were very fun! It’s told from first person POV from both our love interests perspectives. 


The story starts with our main female character Georgie, a twenty two year old woman on her way home from work. When she gets home she goes to sleep. That’s where her adventure starts…She wakes up in a spaceship that crash lands on an ice planet, hence the name “Ice Planet Barbarians.” The character development is great, as I feel in romances it needs to be so we can connect with the characters emotions. There isn’t too much talk of the setting in this first book, but throughout the series, I feel we’ll go to other places on “Non-Hoth,” the planet Georgie finds herself on…Georgie meets Vektal, an alien on “Non-Hoth.” Vektal is the male POV we see from. 

Vektal and all of the sa-khui tribe, have a “khui,” which is a glowing worm in all of the native inhabitants of “Non-Hoth.” This means they can survive on the planet. When Vektal finds Georgie, and realises his feelings towards her, he makes it his top priority to find a Sa-kohtsk, a creature that carries these glowing worms to give to Georgie and the other women. Does he find it? Can Georgie and the rest of the women stay on “Non-Hoth” or will they die? Do they want to stay? You’ll have to read to find out for yourself!

The reading challenges/groups I read “Ice Planet Barbarians” for are:

Reading Rivalry - Character with a Nickname - Vektal has some cute names for Georgie, when he can’t speak English.

Cliterature book club, hosted by StephLoves on Booktube - the live show is sometime early November with Gav from HowToTrainYourGavin and Pris from PrisPeruses! I’m REALLY excited to watch it!!!

There is A LOT of graphic sex in “Ice Planet Barbarians.” It’s all through love, there’s no abuse but it’s certainly not a book for readers below 18 years of age! There’s a quote I’ve put in this review below from one of the sex scenes. 

Spoilers Below

“It was pretty ordinary, overall. I came home after a long day of working the drive-thru teller window at the bank, nuked a Lean Cuisine, ate it while watching TV, and dozed off on the couch before stumbling to bed. Not exactly the life of the party, but hey. It was a Tuesday, and Tuesdays were all work, no play. I went to sleep, and from there, shit got weird,”

is where the story begins. This is Georgie, who’s come home from work, dozed on the couch and gone to bed. From here, she wakes up on an alien spaceship. She meets other women aboard the ship. Liz and Kira are the first women Georgie meets and we’re introduced to through Georgie’s POV. Liz is a pepped up, angry female and Kira has more of a soft, laid back approach. They will both have books of their own, with their own romances, which I am so excited to read in the coming months!

Liz is very matter-of-fact. “You all right?”

“Yeaaah . . .” I slur, my mouth unable to form words. And . . . I drool all over myself. Lovely. I lift one of my heavy hands to swipe at my mouth, “Thorry—”

“You’re okay,” she says before I can panic again. Her voice is pitched low so as not to wake the others. “We’re all a bit hung over when we wake up. They drug everyone when they arrive. It’ll wear off in a bit. I’m Liz.”

“Georgie,” I tell her, taking time to sound out my name properly. I rub my arm and point at it, at the strange bumps. “Whattth going on?”

“Well, you were abducted by aliens. But I guess that was obvious, right?”

This is Georgie’s first interaction with Liz. She seems to know what happens when women get captured by the aliens. I knew this was an alien romance before I went in, but what I didn’t know was that the aliens that take Georgie and the others are the evil ones. The aliens that make up basically the entire plot apart from this beginning chapter are good and wholesome. I was surprised by this but happy none-the-less. The plot is basically a lesson in trust for Georgie and the other women. Can they truly trust the sa-khui tribe of aliens? 

Each of the “Ice Planet Barbarians” books focuses on one woman from this group and her romance with a man/alien from the good alien tribe, known as the “sa-khui” tribe. Vektal is the alien from the sa-khui” tribe that “Ice Planet Barbarians” focuses on. He’s the leader of the tribe, in fact. I loved Vektal! He’s sooooo sweet, caring and attentive to Georgie from the moment they meet. When Georgie wakes up in the snowy cave and they do meet he’s actually licking her core. 

This guy is eating my pussy like a champ.

His head lifts and he nuzzles at my bush, mumbling something again. My hands go to push his head back down to where I want it.

Except I encounter horns.

I jerk awake, realizing it’s not a dream. None of this is. I look down at my body in shock. I’m naked. I’m naked, and there’s some guy with a pair of massive curled horns rising from his head between my legs. As I watch his tongue drags over my pussy again.

“Oh my God,” I whisper. I push at his head, trying to shove him away. This is not normal. This is not normal.

He looks up at me, and as he does, I gasp.

He’s not human. I mean, I knew that with the horns and all, but looking at his face, I can tell he’s really not human. Horns rise from his hairline and curl around his scalp, like a spiky, lethal helmet. He’a blue for one thing. Well, a bluish-grey with a black mane of hair that reminds me of a lion’s mane. His brows are heavy, heavier than any human brow I’ve seen, his face rugged like it’s carved from stone. Going straight down his forehead to the tip of his nose is a striated pattern of ridges of some kind. His bluish-gray skin, slightly darker there.

And his eyes are a glowing shades of blue that I’ve never seen. Blue like Caribbean waters but completely without pupils of any kind. And they’re glowing as if from within.”

Georgie is clearly shocked by what Vektal’s doing to her as well as his appearance. He’s blue with ridges, so that’s why. She’s not scared of him, though. She’s very attracted to him from the moment the meet, probably because the moment they meet he’s sucking her core. They miss the awkward get-to-know-you stage, I guess. From the moment Georgie and Vektal meet there’s a LOT of sexy romance, which I loved!!! The sex scenes are very hot! 

Mmm, I’ve been daydreaming about this all day,” she tells me in a delicious voice.

It seems too incredible to think about. “Have you?” My hands steal to her soft hair, unable to resist touching her. I stroke it off her brow as she wraps her hands around my cock and grips it tight. It doesn’t feel as good as burying myself deep into her cunt, but I’m fascinated and aroused by her motions.

“Yes,” she says, and when she speaks, her lips move over the aching crown of my cock. I suck in a breath, and my khui begins to vibrate—a hard insistent pulse of need.

Then I can scarcely believe it when she takes my cock into her mouth. I feel the head enclosed by warm wetness, and I nearly spill my seed then. I groan, my entire body tensing in response. It feels like nothing I have ever experienced before.

This is an example of an erotic scene from “Ice Planet Barbarians.” It’s from Vektal’s point of view. He loves sex with Georgie. This is the first time she sucks him off in the book. 

Vektal can’t communicate with Georgie at first because he’s from a different place, let alone a DIFFERENT PLANET! Before Georgie went to sleep a few nights before this, she wasn’t aware of life on other planets. The “sa-khui tribe” (Vektal’s tribe) are all blue aliens, none of them speak English, and they’re mainly males. Before Georgie’s tribe of women, as Vektal calls them, came to Not-Hoth (the planet/home of the “sa-khui tribe),” there weren’t many females as a part of Vektal’s tribe. Now, with the human women, the males are excited to hopefully carry on the tribe with children. This is especially the case with Vektal, the leader. Georgie learns of this part way through the plot. She thinks she’s just an incubator at first. They fall in love after this. 

What do you want to do?” Josie asks me. “You keep asking us. Tell us what you are thinking.”

My hand goes to my stomach. “I’m kind of biased in one direction because . . . I’m pregnant. With Vektal’s baby. He’s resonating for me, and apparently it means that, despite the fact we’re not the same species, he can get me pregnant. So I want to stay.”

The moment I say it aloud, I feel cleansed. Of course I want to stay. I’m coming to care for Vektal. I might even love the big guy. And I’m carrying his child. It’s not his fault I was kidnapped by evil aliens and now I have to get a “cootie,” as Megan calls it. He’s done nothing but love me. This is the moment that Georgie realises just what she means to Vektal, I believe, when the other women who haven’t yet mated to a “sa-khui” male are discussing whether they want to stay or try to go home to earth. She also thinks she’s pregnant. This is never actually confirmed in “Ice Planet Barbarians,” though. It might be in the next book, which isn’t told from Georgie or Vektal’s perspective.

Later, she learns just how important she is to Vektal. When he admits his true feelings to her. I love these kinds of plots, where there is miscommunication but then the characters come together and fall head over heels, desperately in love with each other. I believe all of the books in this series follow this sort of plot, so I’m very excited to read them all.

They learn to communicate about half way through, when they find an old spaceship, with a communication device on it. This device allows Georgie to understand Vektal and able to speak his language. This plot device was needed I think because otherwise it would have turned really tedious to read them not understanding each other for the entire story.

Most of “Ice Planet Barbarians” is sex, sex, sex, so if that isn’t your thing, you might not like it. However, this is my guilty pleasure in books! There is a plot too, but mostly it is about the romance and discovering each other, in Georgie and Vektal’s case. 

I’m giving “Ice Planet Barbarians” five stars because it’s everything I love in a book, lots of character development, lots of love scenes, an addictive plot, trying to find answers. Have you read “Ice Planet Barbarians?” What did you think if you have? Let me know below! 


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