This is the 3rd instalment in Shelena Short's The Pace series.
This book starts quite slowly but it definitely picks up its pace (no pun intended) about 100 pages in.
The series follows a young woman who meets a guy who has secrets. In the first book they meet and fall in love, the second book shows some development of that love and some of the issues the characters face and the third book continues that development and is quite heart wrenching at moments.
The main issue I had with this book were that in the first 100 or so pages we saw from another character's perspective as well as the main girl's alternatively. This character doesn't have a huge role in the series (up till the end of book 3 anyway).
The story does really develop in this book as we see the characters reveal certain things to certain people and events happen that you might not expect.
It's still a very "love" based story but nothing indecent or sexual is mentioned, although the act is committed between two consenting adults. Also there was a questionable language reference within.
Look forward to my review of the final book in The Pace series - The Hour Of Dreams coming soon...
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