Wow, this book was great!!!
It had everything that I look for in a good read - action, adventure, danger, and a swoon worthy romance.
What starts off as quite a slow book certainly develops and picks up speed quickly. While I enjoyed the first few chapters, the story didn't really get going until a few chapters later. By around about a quarter of the way in I was really hooked.
I loved Justice's character and how she stood up for what she believed in from start to end, while still being scared and worried about the future. She let others help her in her quest as well. This all made the story believable.
The story is about Justice, who is just an ordinary girl to begin with. She experiences pain in lots of forms throughout the book. Some physical but most mental. At about the half way point she discovers something about herself with her parent's help. This discovery is pretty shocking to her. Her closest friend helps her through this transition and Justice learns that friend is also not all she seems.
She meets a male character who has secrets and falls in love with him as the book progresses. He falls for her as well. There are tragedies as well, one for minor characters near the beginning and one for Justice in the middle. The male character is with her to help her through her own, personal grief.
The personal attack is because of a kind of love triangle but it's not the annoying kind of love triangle. We never see the lead male character with the enemy but there are hints that they've been together in the past. The evil character wants the male to choose her but he chooses Justice instead. This inspires most of the hatred. At least in this book. The male character been looking for Justice for years - his soulmate - and he's finally found her.
We meet about 5 main characters in A Raven's Touch. Justice and her beau, the best friend and her boyfriend, and a helper sent from a different world. Each character was lovable in their own way.
I also liked the references to Sailor Moon, and the fact the lead male character has the same name as a character in the English dub of that. Sailor Moon also fights for what she believes in, just like Justice.
I give this book 4 stars because there were a few elements that I would've liked to have seen drawn out but over all I loved this book as it showed real promise and had a unique storyline! I can't wait to read the next book.
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