Hi, ForeverBookers, I hope you had a good Christmas! I know that I did :)!
Anyway, getting into Dreams Of Gods And Monsters, wow! What a book! It takes off from where Days Of Blood And Starlight ended so there will be spoilers below as I can't really review a final book in a trilogy without using spoilers.
Days Of Blood And Starlight ended with Karou and her family of Chimaera making a pact with Akiva and his followers of Angels. They plot to start a revolution against the bad or White Angels, who are following their leader, Jael (the supposed successor to Joram who was killed off in the 2nd book) who wants to start an apocalypse. The White Angles want to basically take over Eretz (the world of the Chimaera) along with the human world as well. Akiva's group (with the Chimaera) want to stop this from happening. There's plotting, action, comedy, sweet romantic parts and a betrayal that I didn't see coming. There are parts set in different places in our world as well as in Eretz as well. Also there's a subsequent storyline that joins with the main one in the end about a girl discovering she's something else.
The writing in this book is so rich and dense (but not in a bad way). It really absorbs you into the world of the book and makes it seem like your in the story with the characters.
This book wraps up the series nicely although I wanted a little more in the way of a forever for the 2 main characters. Apart from that though, the story ends how it should I believe.
I'm giving this book 4.5 stars. If you want something that will grip you and not let you go until you've read the last word on the last page I suggest picking up this series. However, if you want a romance as I did when reading this maybe give it a pass. As I said in my review of the other books, Daughter Of Smoke And Bone was brilliant and really set the stage for a great story, Days Of Blood And Starlight carried on that story but without a romance. It was mainly war, war, war. This book continued the war, war, war but didn't allow for much else.
I will pick my next TBR book (or series ) soon so my next review will be up when I've finished the first book there.
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